Plan miasta Gardian

Gardian - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Public guardian estate looter granted parole eight months into six ...

Bryan Tickell used his position as a public guardian and trustee caseworker to commit his crimes by writing himself into one elderly client's will, signed another's property over to himself, and drove around in another's PT Cruiser. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

pve: guardian angels

Truth be told, I really believe that I have several guardian angels around me. There are days that I take on way to much like some general and others that I just trust that a gilded guardian angel with lead me and show me the way. Each day, I give thanks for all the angels around me. Today, I will take my twin sons to see two colleges here and here and I will be looking for signs of angels around me. I know, call me crazy, ... souvenir artwork of a vacation in Paris ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Jetcetera: Pole Dancing, Delhi & Dog-Friendly Hotels

?Houston introduces karaoke at its International airport [AP] ?Possible shootings at Delhi airport [BBC] ?10 prime spots to spend Christmas Day [CNN] ?Tokyo bans tourists from its legendary tuna auctions [Guardian]
źródło: BlogSearch
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